ABA Program

About ACE

The ACE is the premier educational system for learners with autism. The educational package provides BCBAs and Special Educators the ability to assess, teach and evaluate progress using evidence based procedures. The online package was developed by The New England Center for Children.

The ACE is designed to provide easy access to applied behavior analytic procedures targeting over 1,300 skills. All lessons can be customized to meet your learner's individual needs in the areas of: Discrimination, Communication, Social, Academic, Self-Help, Community, Vocational, and Leisure Skills. Customizable teaching procedures include Discrete Trial, Task Analysis, Incidental Teaching, and Video Modeling.

The brief lesson plan contains the most critical components for implementing the lesson and data collection blocks all on one page to help streamline our classroom materials. Detailed lesson plans are also available for more comprehensive information about the program. Teachers and supervisors can easily view student performance on ACE lessons with a click of a button. They can quickly identify when students are struggling and make changes to the lesson. This makes it easy to share daily progress with parents, colleagues, and supervisors.

ABA Intervention Program

Our Early Intervention program focuses on enhancing our student’s individualized developmental needs to reach their best potential by targeting skills like communication, attention, speech, behavior, sensory processing, cognitive, fine and gross motor skills and academic skills. Our treatment is based on essential skills assessment(s), data collection, and family input. Children work on skill areas that include receptive language, expressive communication, social skills, play skills, learning skills, motor skills and daily living skills.

Our Early Intervention Program offers a small group learning environment (4 to 6 students) that includes activities from school curriculum. Group activities include Guided social interaction, arts and crafts, basic academic skills, music, self-help skills, science and outdoor activities.

Students are also integrated with the mainstream KG class at Tarbia Islamic Schools ( 3 sessions per week) to prepare them for future integration in the mainstream setting.

Our main aim is to focus on our students individualized needs and for our students to reach their developmental milestones and achieve the best outcomes, we made sure that every child is pulled up for one-on-one sessions on a daily basis for Speech, Applied Behavioral Analysis and Occupational Therapy. Every child will have an individualized Educational Plan that targets all areas of weaknesses.

The Child’s progress in monitored daily and inserted on The ACE program (Autism Curriculum Encyclopedia), results (graphing) and evaluation of the IEP will be shared with parents on a 2months basis.

On a daily basis, parents will get daily feedback form to follow-up on their child’s day in group setting and individualized sessions. We provide professional training workshops to parents 4 times a school year. We also provide tips to be used at home and invite parents to our one-on-one sessions. We give parents tips to deal with challenging behavior, stimulate language and enhance communication.

What is Applied Behavioral Analysis
(ABA) Therapy?

Applied Behavior Analysis is the process of systematically applying interventions based upon the principles of learning theory to improve socially significant behaviors to a meaningful degree, and to demonstrate that the interventions employed are responsible for the improvement in behavior (Baer,Wolf, & Risley, 1968).

There are hundreds of research articles that demonstrate the efficacy of applied behavior analysis as an intervention for individuals with autism and related disorders.

Our ABA therapy sessions involve one-on-one interaction between the behavior analyst and the child. We use many research based techniques to increase useful behavior and reduce unwanted behavior that may cause harm and interfere with the learning process. Treatment in our one-on-one sessions is based on functional assessment(s), data collection, and family input. Children work on skill areas that include receptive language, expressive communication, social skills, play skills, learning skills, and daily living skills.

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