Math Program

Help Your Child Overcome Learning Struggles in Math!


MathRx is an intensive, comprehensive, personalised Math program with a difference. We develop all the skills necessary for success in maths: foundational numerical cognition, core cognitive skills and higher thinking skills.

You can permanently put an end to your child’s learning struggles in Math with our pioneering program, MathRx.

Who can we help?

Here are examples of some Red Flag behaviours that highlight that your child needs help with math:

  • Unable to recall basic math facts, times tables and formulae automatically.
  • Unable or unwilling to complete the math homework on their own.
  • Homework often ends in tears for Math (but not necessarily for other subjects).
  • They are struggling to understand and remember what they were thought in class, when asked what they have been learning.
  • Their grades in math are suffering.
    Negative self-talk such as “I’m just not good at math.”

What's the next step?

Take the first step today and book a brain skills assessment to understand the root cause of your child’s struggles in math.