At the ABC Center, we are committed to help our students achieve academic success, as well as develop long-term life skills. The BrainRx mission is to enrich lives through the life-changing power of brain training.
What is the BrainRx? – It is a research-based cognitive training program that consists of 50% one-on-one training and 50% digital training, and has the purpose of enhancing learning skills.
The assessment uses the Gibson Test created by LearningRx to help understand how strong or weak each cognitive skill is. Results are given in age equivalent scores (up to the age of about 16), standard scores and percentile scores. The Gibson Test of Cognitive Skills is available in 19 languages including English, Filipino, Mandarin, French, Spanish.
During consultation, results are discussed and a program that best suits client’s needs and goals is recommended
Students do a combination of fun, game-like tabletop and digital exercises created by BrainRx that vary in complexity and intensity. Working with their trainers, students are challenged to go out of their comfort zones to address cognitive weaknesses while enhancing strengths.
This program is recommended to everyone, including kids above six years old, teenagers, and adults, and also to those who are showing general low academic performance or have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit hyperactivity Disorder (ADhD), reading problems and dyslexia, learning disabilities, language or autism spectrum disorders.
Call us at 0112819075 if you wish to know more about the BrainRx program. Your child will be assessed by one of our trainers and, further, recommendations will be given.