What Is Systematic Phonics Teaching And How It Supports Students With Dyslexia?

Have you ever heard about reading difficulties or dyslexia? According to CNN Health, it mentioned that dyslexia is “A lifelong condition that affects reading, writing, spelling, and speaking. Maybe it is a common condition but is still not widely understood”. Dyslexia is considered a kind of learning difficulty, which is commonly prevailing among children during the first few years in school. There is a misconception that children with dyslexia lack intelligence. In fact, they have a delay in acquiring a certain skill which is interpreting written language. 

A lot of children in schools are incapable to read, not because they did not learn how to read; but mainly because they need a more specialized kind of teaching that their schools may not use it. For more information about systematic phonics teaching, keep reading. 

What is systematic phonics teaching? 

It is an exceptional approach to teaching students with dyslexia how to read the letters and sounds as connected speech. They also teach them how to read and spell effectively using a clear and well-thought-out scope and sequence.

First of all, the main goal of systematic phonics teaching is to help the children experimenting with all the sounds in words. Expressly, instructors should teach the child how to recognize the letters in written form and their sounds; to link them together while reading. For example, the child has to figure out that the word “cat”, has three phonemes and each one has a specific sound. 

This process of matching the sounds of spoken language with individual letters or groups of letters is called “phonics”. Practicing this method gradually and repeatedly would be easy for children to understand the sounds of the vast amounts of words they see. What is good about this technique is its efficiency in reducing the difficulties of reading at any age.  

What makes systematic phonics teaching for dyslexia worthwhile? 

There are statistics have revealed that 13% of English words need to be studied and memorized. Students who learn the patterns of the letters in the language will predict and recognize numerous vocabulary in English over time. Furthermore, several words in English understood by their prefixes or suffixes, roots, and morphemes. The techniques of decoding English words will enhance the experience of reading of the students successfully.
Eventually, the systematic phonics teaching method would work for students who have difficulties in reading. It helps them figure out the written form of the language that they need to understand its meaning.

We would like you to visit ABC Diagnostic and Learning Center, they offer you multiple services for your child’s healthy growth. You can book an appointment for counseling or speech therapy which is appropriate for children with dyslexia.

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