ABA Home Therapy
About Home-Based ABA Therapy:
Our ABA Home Therapy provides your child with therapy right at your home. Our program is not a one-size-fits-all approach. However; Our curriculum tailored specifically to meet the individualized needs of your child. We will work with you to develop goals and objectives that will make your child’s life more productive and enjoyable at home.
Applied Behavior Analysis, is effective for teaching children of all abilities as well as diagnoses. It also has a large body of research demonstrating its effectiveness for children with autism.
This therapy provides applied behavior analysts with the opportunity to improve a child’s:
Social skills
Self-help skills (e.g. toilet training, self-dressing, self-care, eating, etc.)
Family interactions (e.g. performing chores, shopping, eating out, etc.)
Verbal behavior.
Number of sessions: 20 sessions.
Duration of session: 1 hr.