How Do Parents Improve Their Child’s Resilience?

The child is the most vulnerable member of the family. They need to be treated very nicely and carefully. But, parents should implement in their children’s minds the resilience to accept life’s ups and downs. In this article, we would like to shed light on a significant concept of “resilience” and how parents can build the child’s resilience. 

What is the meaning of resilience? 

The concept of resilience is not superficial, it is profound. A lot of people experience a variety of complex events in life such as hardships, crises, economic distress, pressure, tragic and threats. The human being is power, this power could radiate and fade away according to the life events series. For instance, people react differently when they go through the pain of loss. Some people could not cope with this tragedy. Thus, they may express difficult kinds of reflexes such as anger, disbelief, fainting, and shock.

However, other people accept the incident more calmly than the first group. They have more psychological and mental strength to control their reactions and more capacity to absorb the shock. This is clearly what is meant by “resilience”. It is the process of mentally adapting to any unexpected event in life even if it is so hard.   

Moreover, when parents enhance their child’s resilience from a young age, it will help the child to be flexible when dealing with life-changing situations. Ultimately, it is important to raise a kid with high resilience, why? We answered you in the following section.

Learn more about Stubborn Problems in Children.

Why does resilience play a crucial role in human-being’s life? 

It is important to mention that resilience is not a magic trait as long as people acquired it, will vanish all the hardships and challenges of life or make people see the world through rose-colored lenses. It allows people to believe that setbacks, twists, and turns are happening. Resilience mainly helps people to build mental strength to enhance the following: 

  • Enables people to go along with bad feelings, work through them and gradually recover.  
  • It also empowers solving problems. 
  • Helps to move forward in life and overcome hard events and challenges.  
  • Avoids unhealthy feelings such as avoidance, depression, isolation and suicidal thoughts. 

Strategies that help parents to build resilience in their children?


Strategies that help parents to build resilience in their children?

Similar to grow a tree, building and enhancing resilience takes a long time and effort. So, you need to take into consideration four major components of which increasing resilience; wellbeing, connection, healthy thinking and meaning. Here also we urge you to follow some steps in which will enhance your child’s resilience: 

Developing wellbeing 

Parents should raise their kids by providing a positive lifestyle. Proper and healthy nutrition, do regular exercise and good sleep, all these simple acts can reduce the level of anxiety or depression and enhance resilience.

Support your child always

Being by your child’s side in almost all circumstances that they are going through, will make them feel secure because they are surrounded by supportive and rational people. Good parents are good interlocutors. They can understand what is their children thinking or feeling through a logical and cool conversation with their children. This way child is able to relieve and build firm resilience emotions. Parents should also use reinforcement when their child did good behavior.  

Teach your child to accept changes 

In a simple conversation, talk to your child that life always changes. If you have good friends today, this does not mean that they will stay with you forever. 

Improving self-esteem

When the child faces the adversity of life hardships and bad incidents, a positive sense of self and confidence in the child’s abilities can help to alleviate feelings of helplessness. 

It is fine to make mistakes

Teach your child to embrace mistakes and learn from them. This way of thinking supports the child to improve a healthy mindset. This will also help your kid to be confident and reduce the levels of anxiety and gradually build resilience. As long as parents have a narrow mindset about their kid’s final results, this gets children caught up in the stage where they either pass or not.

For further information about building high resilience scores for your child. We would like you to visit ABC website (Diagnostic and Learning Center). It offers you multiple services for your child’s healthy growth. You can book an appointment for counseling.

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